
Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia - Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

A severe form of anxiety that people suffer from is called panic disorder. Panic disorder is diagnosed when a person regularly experiences panic attacks that are not triggered by the influence of drugs or another mental health condition or medical illness. A person who experiences at least one panic attack per month within a six month period is likely appropriate for diagnosis of panic disorder.

A Fear Of Leaving The House

Fear is a powerful feeling that causes people a great amount of anxiety and emotional distress. Many people experience phobias, or extreme fears of people, places, things and situations that typically seem as relatively harmless to others. A phobia is a form of anxiety as it causes symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks in reaction to exposure to the feared trigger. One common phobia people suffer from is called agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is an intense fear of crowded, busy, (seemingly) threatening, and high-energy environments.

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